Catmint Tea [Nepeta cataria]

by Christian Müller 9/6/2018 Catmint |  Others |  Take Views 5468


Like many other herbs, you can also make tea out of Catmint.

Preparation Method

1. Place the dried herb in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

2. Filter the herb out and your tea is ready.

3. Of course, catmint can also be used in any other tea mixture. Combinations of Catmint and Damiana seem to produce a good tea both in effects and taste:

4. Just put 2 tablespoons of Catmint and 2 tablespoon of Damiana in 0,5 liter boiling water.

5. Let it cook for 10-15 minutes.

6. Filter out the herbs and your tea is ready.


Catmint [Nepata Cataria]

You can use any amount of dried herb you want. But regularly it is good to use the same amount of different herbs and catnip.

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