Wild Lettuce extracts [Lactuca virosa]

by Christian Müller 9/7/2018 Wild Lettuce |  Others |  Take Views 5472


There are two ways to make an extract of Wild Lettuce. The quick way and the long way. In both cases you will have to dry the wild lettuce first.

The quick way

Boil the herb for 4-5 minutes and let it steep in hot water for an additional 15-20 minutes.

Remove the herb and let the liquid dry out until all that remains is wild lettuce extract.

The long way

You can also soak the herbs in cold water for a total of 10-12 hours.

Remove the herb and let the liquid dry out.

The dried extract can be smoked pure or in smoking mixes with other herbs like tobacco, cannabis or damiana.
You could also just swallow the extract with some water using the same dosage.


Wild Lettuce [Lactuca virosa]

If the dried herb is used in smoking blends, the amount can be adjusted, depending on personal flavour.

If the dried herb is used in tea, 2 teaspoons of the herb are used for each cup of tea. You can drink up to 2-3 cups if necessary.

Wild lettuce extracts are also called "Lettucene", they can be swallowed or smoked. The regular dosage for these extracts is 0,1 - 0,3 grams, the daily amount should not exceed 1 gram!

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