Wild Lettuce tea [Lactuca virosa]

by Christian Müller 9/6/2018 Wild Lettuce |  Others |  Take Views 5575



Use 2 teaspoons of Wild lettuce per cup of tea, you can drink 2-3 cups if necessary. The tea is prepared as any other tea. No special techniques or methods should be used. You can also mix the herb with other herbs or teas to enhance the effects or the taste.


Wild Lettuce [Lactuca virosa]

If the dried herb is used in smoking blends, the amount can be adjusted, depending on personal flavour.

If the dried herb is used in tea, 2 teaspoons of the herb are used for each cup of tea. You can drink up to 2-3 cups if necessary.

Wild lettuce extracts are also called "Lettucene", they can be swallowed or smoked. The regular dosage for these extracts is 0,1 - 0,3 grams, the daily amount should not exceed 1 gram!

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