Chá de Nêveda [Catmint - Nepeta cataria]

by Christian Müller 3/21/2018 Catmint |  Outros |  Usar Views 1145


Like many other herbs, you can also make tea out of Catmint. 

Preparation Method

Place the dried herb in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

Filter the herb out and your tea is ready.

Of course, catmint can also be used in any other tea mixture. Combinations of Catnip and Damiana seem to produce a good tea both in effects and taste:

Just put 2 tablespoons of Catnip and 2 tablespoon of Damiana in 0,5 liter boiling water.

Let it cook for 10-15 minutes.

Filter out the herbs and your tea is ready.


You can use any amount of dried herb you want. But regularly it is good to use the same amount of different herbs and catnip.

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