Ayahuasca Recipe | D. Cabrerana and B. Caapi

by Pipa 6/22/2018 Ayahuasca |  Others |  Take Views 3511

Banisteriopsis caapi (B. Caapi) is the base for the traditional Ayahuasca brew and Diploterys cabrerana (D. Cabrerana) is one of the most used sources for DMT, instead of P. Viridis. These combinations are called Anahuasca.

The bark of D. Cabrerana can also be chewed and there is some evidence that the plant is also used as a snuff in the north western region of the Amazon Basin. In most cases the beverage is still the most popular preparation method.

The DMT content of D. Cabrerana can be 5 times stronger than the one found in P. Viridis. There are tribes, like the Harakmbet, that believe that only after five or six experiences with Ayahuasca P. Viridis one should try the beverage made with D. Cabrerana.

The following recipe is specifically designed for B. Caapi and D. Cabrerana and originated in Brazil.

Brazilian recipe:

1. Cut the B. Caapi in small pieces and divide it in 2 equal portions;

2. Place the first part in a pan (stainless steel or ceramic), fill it with water and some lemon juice;

3. Place the second part of B. Caapi in another pan with the leaves of D. Cabrerana (stainless steel or ceramic), add lemon juice and fill it with water;

4. Cook both pans for approximately 4 to 5 hours;

5. Drain the plant material out from both pans;

6. Cook both liquids separate until you get approximately 100 to 150 ml (drinkable quantity) from each one;

7. Let it cool down;

8. Drink first the brew made only with the B. Caapi and after 30 minutes drink the second brew made from both plants. Have a safe and amazing journey.

Remember: Ayahuasca is not a party drug but a powerful mind enhancing experience, treat it with respect.


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