Dutch Orange T-Stick [Drinking]

by Christian Müller 11/26/2009 Dutch Orange T-stick |  Others |  Take Views 5881

Dutch Orange T-Stick does not necessarily have to be smoked. You can also make a tea out of it or swallow it.


If you want to drink the Dutch Orange T-Stick, you can do like you would do when preparing a normal tea. Don't place the blend directly into boiling water. Wait until the water stops boiling and then put in the blend. Then let it steep it for 5 minutes. To enhance the taste, you can also use a tea bag with a flavor of your choice.


You can also swallow the blend. Fill up a capsule with the blend and swallow it. When ingested, the effects of the blend take about 30-60 minutes to kick in, so you should wait a while before taking more.


Dutch Orange T-Stick

Whatever the method of consumption, the dosage stays the same (smoking, tea or swallowing).


50 - 60 mg for mild effects
60 - 100 mg for medium effects
100 - 150 mg for strong effects

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