Hawaiian Baby Woodrose - Argyreia nervosa

by Pipa 3/11/2019 Hawaiian Baby Woodrose |  Others |  Take Views 7654


Argyreia nervosa, commonly known as Hawaiian baby woodrose, is a vine that can grow up to 10 meters, with trumpet shaped lavender leaves. The common name comes from resemblance of the open woody pods to miniature roses.

Despite his name, Hawaiian baby woodrose (HBW) is in fact native to Asia but has been naturalised and cultivated in Hawaii.  

In India, HBW is one of the plants used in Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. The roots are used as a tonic for the nerves and brain and is taken as as rejuvenation tonic, as aphrodisiac and to increase intelligence. It was also registered the use of HBW for bronchitis, cough, nervousness, syphilis, diabetes, tuberculosis, arthritis and general debility.

There is no knowledge of the traditional use of the plants in rituals, although it might be the soma plant, described as a vine. It is also possible that the Huna religion used the seeds as a entheogenic but, there are no records to support this theory.

Hawaiian baby woodrose was one of the ingredients in the famous Utopian Bliss Balls, very popular among the artistic and hippy communities in California during the 60´s.

In Hawaii, where it become widespread, it is used by some Hawaiians as a alternative to the really expensive cannabis.  

The psychoactive material of Hawaiian baby woodrose (HBW) is in its seeds. These little brown things that look like chocolate chips contain LSA (d-lysergic acid amide), a alkaloid from the ergoline family responsible for its psychedelic effects. LSA was first described in the beginning of the 1930s, as a part of a research surrounding alkaloids found in ergot, and was synthesised by Albert Hofmann in 1947.


The LSA effects are due to its role as a partial agonist of the serotonin receptors, modifying the normal neurotransmission of serotonin in the central nervous system.  However, some believe that is the LSA together with other lysergamide alkaloids present in the plant that are responsible for the effects felt with HBW.  

The effects of HBW are close to LSD, entailing typical psychedelic sensations and effects, although not so intense.

The following effects are the most often described. They will rarely, if ever, occur all at the same time.

  • Euphoria;
  • Extreme lassitude;
  • Spontaneous bodily sensations and physical euphoria;
  • Anxiety or anxiety suppression – it has been described to have both effects, so it depends of your state of mind;
  • Cognitive euphoria;
  • Altered perception of time and space;
  • Color and vision acuity enhancements;
  • Depth perception distortions;
  • Hallucinations: internal and external. This effect tends to be consistent in medium to high doses;
  • Visions of mystical nature.

The effects will last 6 to 8 hours depending on the amount taken and also of the stomach content so, try to fast 4 to 6 hours before taking the seeds.

Feelings of tranquility can be felt over 12 hours and most users describe the sleep after the trip as deep and refreshing.

Side effects

Side effects are the ones felt when taking a substance that are not so pleasant as the psychedelic effect we are aiming for. These will not be felt all at the same time, some might not be felt at all but, when felt its intensity are directly related to dosage.

  • Nausea - can be reduced by taking HBW tea slowly and drinking some big sips of water in between.
  • Excessive yawning;
  • Increase heart rate and alterations in blood pressure;
  • Dehydration;
  • Muscles spasms;
  • Pupil dilation and photophobia;
  • Increase perspiration;
  • Motor loss control – this effect is normally only felt when taking high dosages;
  • Dizziness.

Some users report some hangover effects like vertigo, physical inertia and blurred vision.

How to take

There are several ways to take and prepare the seeds. Most of the process aim at taking out part of the toxins present in HBW seeds that are responsible for the nausea.

Try to scrap off the off the seeds in order to remove the fungus-like coating. This layer is responsible for part of the nausea felt when taking HBW. After scraping it off you can gently burn the rest, very carefully not to burn the seeds.


Grind the seeds or crush the seeds really well and soak them for 24 hours in purified water. After this time strain the seeds with a cheesecloth (a pantyhose or sieve will also work).

You can drink the leftover liquid slowly, during 30 minutes. To help reduce the nausea drink some water in between drink the seed water.


The seeds can be chewed. They should be chewed for as long as possible to allow for the active substances to be absorb by the membranes in the mouth. After chewing as long as possible you can swallow the seeds.


Light -  2 to 4 seeds
Medium - 4 to 8 seeds
Strong - 8 to 12 seeds
Maximum dosage of 14 seeds

If it your first time it is advise not not exceed a light dosage.

HBW or any other LSA containing plant should not be taken by people with history of liver disorders or hepatitis.

The combination of HBW with cannabis can intensify the cognitive and sensations effects but, also the not so pleasant side-effects like anxiety and confusion. Most users report that usually produces a nice feeling.

The combination with alcohol can reduced the anxiety and tension but, it is advised to not drink too much as alcohol causes dehydration and nausea.

The combination of HBW with other psychedelics is not advise since the substances will create a synergetic relation with unpredictable effects.


Hawaiian baby woodrose [Argyreia nervosa]

Light - 2 to 4 seeds.
Medium - 4 to 8 seeds.
Strong - 8 to 12 seeds.
Maximum dosage of 14 seeds.

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